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Hail storm hits Nelson kiwifruit orchards

Hail storm hits Nelson kiwifruit orchards

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Hail storm hits Nelson kiwifruit orchards

A severe hailstorm has destroyed apple and kiwifruit crops in Tasman district. The hail hammered the area around Lower Moutere, Motueka and Riwaka, west of Nelson, for 20 minutes from 9.30pm Tuesday night, collapsing hail nets and blanketing the ground with hailstones.

  • Click here for the full article in the Nelson Mail.

There are also reports of hail events in other growing regions, including the Bay of Plenty today.

All growers with orchards affected by hail are advised to apply a Psa-V copper protective spray. Wounds created by the hail create an entry point for Psa-V.

Those lodging a claim must contact the Zespri contact centre as soon as possible after the event (it needs to be done within 72 hours), and don’t cut or thin the orchard until the assessor has been out and you know the status of your orchard.

  • Click here for more hail advice on the Zespri Canopy.


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