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Phytophthora planning underway

Phytophthora planning underway

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Phytophthora planning underway

Last week a one-day symposium on Phytophthora was held in Auckland as part of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society (NZPPS) Conference.

Phytophthora has had a lot of attention recently as it continues to spread globally and cause devastation to a range of cultivated and natural environments. Notable species in New Zealand include Phytophthora agathidicida which causes Kauri Dieback, P. pluvialis which is causing Red Needle Cast in pine, and P. cinnamomi which is causing problems for Avocados.

The symposium drew on a broad range of speakers, both locally and internationally, bringing a unique global perspective. Matt Dyck from KVH and Dr. Sonia Whiteman from Zespri presented on the risk of Invasive Phytophthora to kiwifruit. They covered the recent literature review commissioned to better understand that risk, as well as the importance of learning more about which species could potentially impact us here in New Zealand. They also noted the preparation underway through our readiness and response plan which is currently being developed in conjunction with Biosecurity New Zealand.


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