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Building confidence in the biosecurity system

Building confidence in the biosecurity system

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Building confidence in the biosecurity system

KVH co-sponsored and presented at a science workshop earlier this week which brought together people and organisations across the biosecurity system, to share information and ideas about how to help build biosecurity intelligence.

The workshop - run by the New Zealand Plant Protection Society as the opening day to their annual conference - included representatives from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), industry and science organisations to discuss how we collectively manage biosecurity risks, and how we can better use biosecurity tools (science, technology) and people to build biosecurity knowledge, and confidence, in how decisions about preparedness, surveillance and responses are made.

A main point of discussion was the importance of timely access to quality information, especially for evidence-based risk assessment. The right information needs to be available rapidly to everyone who needs it across the biosecurity system. This means improved coordination of knowledge/data collection across organisations, easier data sharing where possible, and turning data in to useful information and intelligence for risk assessment.

The full day event also included a case study presentation from KVH on co-managing risk at New Zealand’s ports and a presentation about the vital role of scientific advice in Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) preparedness, surveillance and response from Winegrowers NZ.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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