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Movement across Cook Strait

Movement across Cook Strait

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Movement across Cook Strait

The Cook Strait represents a defendable barrier to the spread of kiwifruit industry pests and pathogens.

This barrier represents a strategic opportunity for the industry to protect growers and ensure areas of clean plant material and fruit supply are maintained in the event of any outbreak affecting either island.

Under the National Kiwifruit Pathway Management Plan (Pathway Plan), there is a specific rule to enable a higher level of risk management for movements between the North and South Islands (and vice versa) relative to movements within the North Island or within the South Island. These risk management practices can be tailored to reflect the level of risk.

Currently, Psa is the specified high-risk organism for the Pathway Plan, and as the South Island remains free of Psa there are specific measures in place to manage this risk.

The rule applies to the movement of all risk items where the destination is an orchard, nursery, or for the movement of items associated with kiwifruit pollination.

Vehicle machinery and equipment movements:

For the movement of vehicles and machinery, KVH must be notified in writing and equipment sanitised for the movement between islands. Inspections will be done by KVH staff in the Bay of Plenty and by KVH Regional Coordinators in other regions. KVH will provide written permission for the movement once inspection has been undertaken to provide suppliers, recipients, and carriers of goods confidence that requirements of the Pathway Plan are being met.

Plant material movements:

For plant material movements, which present the highest risk, the plant material must be free of high-risk organisms or not likely to result in a significant impact to the kiwifruit industry.

For movements from the South Island to the North Island:

KPCS certification for nursery plants, budwood, or pollen fulfil the requirements for movements from the South Island to the North Island and no further quarantine or testing is required.

For movements from the North Island to the South Island:

The presence of Psa in the North Island and absence from the South Island means that movements from Psa positive to non-detected orchards is prohibited. However, KVH has developed a tissue culture pathway to enable the safe movement of clean material into Psa Exclusion and Containment Regions under the NPMP. This will be used to meet the requirements of this rule with approval from a KVH Authorised Person. This tissue culture pathway is a two-year process based on risk management measures from the Actinidia Import Health Standard and involves three stages - laboratory-based tissue culture; greenhouse; and an outdoor containment facility. KVH undertakes audits at each stage of the process. The tissue culture standard is available on the KVH website here.

Currently, while the South Island retains area freedom from Psa, meeting the requirements of this tissue culture standard is the only pathway available for the movement of kiwifruit plant material from the North Island to the South Island. Movement of kiwifruit plants, budwood or pollen by other means is prohibited under the Pathway Plan.

See below a list of movements across the Cook Strait between the North and South Islands, where the final destination is a kiwifruit nursery or orchard (excluding routine movements of KPCS certified plant material suppliers). All movements listed have been risk assessed by KVH and have to meet strict requirements prior to approval being granted.

2023/24 Safe movement of risk items between North and South Islands - updated August 2024
KVH Permit ID Purpose of movement Risk item Interisland movement Movement time period Final destination nursery/orchard
P-01997Seed for germinatingSeedSouth Island to North Island01/04/202301/04/2024Yes
P-02024Leaf samplingVehicleNorth Island to South Island & South Island to North Island31/07/202331/07/2024Yes
P-02119Budwood for graftingBudwoodSouth Island to North Island27/05/202431/05/2024Yes
P-02121Budwood for graftingBudwoodSouth Island to North Island30/05/202430/05/2024Yes
P-02122Budwood for graftingBudwoodSouth Island to North Island28/05/202406/06/2024Yes
P-02125Budwood for graftingBudwoodSouth Island to North Island01/01/202431/12/2024Yes
P-02126Budwood harvestEquipmentNorth Island to South Island14/05/202430/06/2024Yes
KVH Requirements
Notification to KVH is required at least 7 days before any proposed movement and requires KVH approval.

All kiwifruit plant material is to be securely packaged and transported using a covered vehicle.

All kiwifruit plant material entering a facility for testing and research purposes is to be disposed of first via autoclave.

Where the final destination is an orchard the kiwifruit plant material is to be quarantined in an approved facility for the period of time required to establish the movement does not significantly increase risk to the kiwifruit industry.

All vehicles, machinery, and equipment is to be free of visible soil and plant material, sanitised and stored and transported in a manner to avoid contamination.

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KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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18 Sep 2024

NZKGI 30 Year Gala Dinner tickets on sale

Since 1994 NZKGI has represented and supported all New Zealand kiwifruit growers through a myriad of challenges, to the booming industry we have today. From recent success with the decision to retain Hi-Cane, to support for growers in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle, NZKGI has advocated through every high and low. 2024 marks several significant industry milestones: the 35th anniversary of the Single Desk, 30 years of NZKGI, and 25 years since the Kiwifruit Industry Restructuring Act allowing Zespri’s commercial operations. To celebrate these important milestones, NZKGI is hosting a special event the night of 22 October, expecting 400 attendees (primarily growers). The focus of the evening will be on networking and reflection, with insights from some of the pioneering growers whose leadership and negotiation skills, often at significant personal cost, were crucial in steering the industry through crises in the late 1980s and early 1990s, laying the foundation for the thriving industry we see today. When: Tuesday 22 October, 5.30pm – 10.00pm Where: Lion Foundation Centre, Mercury Baypark Tickets: Buy here

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26 Aug 2024

Celebrating a pest-free Port

KVH will be at the Port of Tauranga over the coming weeks, highlighting frontline efforts to ensure a pest-free environment. There are many enthusiastic people who work on and around the Port who know biosecurity is a critical issue, affecting everyone in some way. With hundreds of people operating on the frontline of the Port community daily, we have lots of eyes constantly on the lookout for unwanted pests. The Port deals with millions of tonnes of cargo each year, and around 100 cruise ships over every summer, so we all need to be ready, vigilant, and watchful. Biosecurity matters at Ports because it is also a significant business risk. The frontline staff we’ll be meeting with and talking to - such as stevedores, and straddle/crane drivers - are the best placed to initially notice and report anything unusual. Our key message is if something happens, there will be a cost to you, your job, or your business, and you need to know what you can do to stop it. As the organisation responsible for leading biosecurity preparedness on behalf of the kiwifruit industry, KVH partners in this initiative alongside the Port of Tauranga and the local Biosecurity New Zealand team. Other activities with the Port community include staff from Biosecurity New Zealand visiting transitional facilities across the Bay of Plenty to share up-to-date information about managing risk and distribute useful collateral such as the ever popular 12 most unwanted pests calendar produced by the partnership, and both Biosecurity New Zealand and KVH taking part in pre-cruise season briefing sessions for the Port’s security staff. You can see online versions of the resources we’ll distribute this year here: Annual pest calendar September 2024 - August 2025"Most unwanted pests” playing cardsSpot it, snap it, report it frontline lunch bags

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26 Aug 2024

Biosecurity best practice

What are the top five things you need to do if you are part of the kiwifruit growing community in New Zealand, to ensure you are following biosecurity best practice and managing risk? We’ve created a video – it’s only two minutes long – running through all five easy to follow steps. It’s specifically designed to help with training, and for use at places like reception areas and events so if you’d like a copy let us know. Thank you to the team at Trevelyan’s for the support in producing the video, including the sites and wonderful talent! Watch it here.

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