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Next in our series of team member introductions is Matt Dyck, our Biosecurity Manager, well known to many of you and a regular presenter at grower roadshows around the country.
We started this series late last year to share more about the roles we have, and how each of us interact with you, our readers, and growers, in our day-to-day activities.
My focus since joining KVH in 2013 has been on reducing the likelihood and impact of another biosecurity incursion to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry.
Initially this was quite a distinct activity from the Psa focus of the organisation and industry at the time, but it is pleasing to see how we have evolved to where this is now KVH’s main focus.
There are many different activities that contribute to our biosecurity preparedness for future threats, and one of the benefits of having been with KVH for over a decade now is that I have had the privilege of being involved in many of these, including partnerships with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and other sectors under the Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response (GIA); establishment of our biosecurity scheme for safer movement of plant material; developing deployment networks for biosecurity responses; and working with Zespri Innovation to drive research that will address gaps in our preparedness for future threats - this also includes managing risk of movements within our industry and the implementation and operation of the National Kiwifruit Pathway Management Plan is a key part of my role.
I also work with MPI and other horticultural sectors to prepare for threats that we have in common, such as fruit fly and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB). I am currently Chair of the Fruit Fly Council and Plant Pass, a national biosecurity scheme to provide safe movement for all types of nursery plant material.
On a lighter note, when I’m not in the office my favourite place to be is out in the water surfing – normally at home in the Mount, but I’ll jump in anywhere so next time we catch up for a chat, no matter the growing region, let me know the best spots!
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.