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This section helps New Zealand kiwifruit growers with all aspects of on-orchard biosecurity management, and includes information about where and how to get support if you need technical advice or pastoral care.

Latest news

What are our threat levels?

The KVH Dashboard is produced to provide the industry with a view of current biosecurity threat levels and our ability to respond to these threats should they arrive. The Dashboard includes a summary of information relevant to the kiwifruit industry from latest risk reporting by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI).

Download the latest dashboard
What are our threat levels?

Assess your orchard risk

Individual orchards have different biosecurity and Psa risk profiles. Variety, region, orchard environment and management practices all contribute to the orchard risk profile.

Use the easy 5-step on-orchard biosecurity plan template to identify risks, and how to address them. Click here to read more and order or download a copy of the booklet.

Use the Weather & Disease Portal

The Zespri Weather & Disease Portal is an online, weather-based decision support tool to assist growers with orchard management, especially in a Psa environment.

Weather station data and weather forecast information is combined to provide customised access to unique weather information, disease information and interpretations. Log in here to access the model.

New growers

Are you a new kiwifruit grower? Click here for information about what aspects of biosecurity to consider, and how. 

Get support from Regional Coordinators

Whether you are seeking technical advice, looking for a KVH representative, or need general support, KVH has a network available.

Each kiwifruit growing region has unique needs according to biosecurity and Psa risks, spread of infection, and the timeframe Psa has been in the region (if at all). KVH works with Regional Coordinators to support growers and help reduce biosecurity risk, as well as the spread of Psa in regions where the disease is not already widespread.

Regional Coordinators can be reached using the contact details here. For all other regions, growers should contact KVH on 0800 665 825 or email


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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30 Jan 2025

Meet the team

Next in our series of team member introductions is Kerry O’Neil, our Monitoring & Compliance Officer. We started this series late last year to share more about the roles we have, and how each of us interact with you, our readers, and growers, in our day-to-day activities. I’ve been with KVH since December 2021 and day-to-day you’ll see me working with various people and groups across the industry to keep raising the bar and improve our biosecurity practices, organising various monitoring programmes, developing protocols, and ensuring compliance standards are met, so that we all continue managing biosecurity risks. I also audit pack-houses, kiwifruit processors, budwood suppliers, and pollen mills, and try to streamline these processes to keep them as quick and easy as possible for you. I quite enjoy helping nurseries wanting to join the Kiwifruit Plant Certification Scheme (KPCS) – especially working on their manuals, and organising sampling, testing, and external auditing. Before joining KVH, I worked at the Tauranga City Council in regulation and compliance, specifically with food and health registrations and alcohol licensing. Outside of work, I find it hard to say no to a round of golf. I travel a lot so next time I’m in your region I’d love to hear any local recommendations.

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30 Jan 2025

February grower roadshows

We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Zespri Grower Roadshows. We’ll be speaking at each location, providing an update on the fruit fly response and industry biosecurity surveillance systems, including recent unusual symptom reports, alongside presentations from Zespri and NZKGI. The roadshows run 17 – 27 February and will all be held in person, with an option to join the Te Puke event online. Register here.

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30 Jan 2025

Fun Fact

What am I? This week we have an image for you – can you guess the object? Our industry-led exotic stink bug surveillance system in the Bay of Plenty has kicked off again this year, thanks to industry organisations working alongside us, and as well as the standard sticky pheromone traps that have been used in previous years, some of the sites now also include one of these – an aerodynamic trap. These Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) traps are shaped like a windvane which helps the pheromone travel further, attracting more stink bugs to the area. Originally trialled in kiwifruit in Italy through co-funding from the Zespri Biosecurity Innovation portfolio, it was exciting to see this research being implemented last year on a field visit with other members of the BMSB Council, and now we’ve got eight of our own as part of this year’s industry surveillance network at 14 sites – mainly pack-houses - from Mount Maunganui and Te Puke to Te Puna and Katikati. Our surveillance enhances nationwide efforts while raising awareness of stink bugs across the kiwifruit industry and providing practical, tangible monitoring activities. Importantly, it also builds capability within the industry for any stink bug response, whether that be specifically dedicated to kiwifruit or to assist in joint efforts involving other industries. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) oversees the national BMSB surveillance programme, which operates on an entry risk basis, using lure traps and vegetation searches on a fortnightly basis during the high-risk season of September through to the end April each year. Most trapping efforts are concentrated in the main centres, primarily Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. Read more about BMSB, including latest detection data, here.

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The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.

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