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All go for Aureo Gold

All go for Aureo Gold

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

All go for Aureo Gold

New Psa product Aureo Gold is now registered for use on kiwifruit and has BioGro certification.

Limited stock of Aureo Gold was available for 2018 and growers are advised to check with their nearest retailer to determine future availability.

Just approved by the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Group (ACVM), Aureo Gold was discovered and isolated from an Otago apricot by Plant & Food Research scientists and since then extensive field trials have demonstrated its protectant efficacy. Research suggests this product has multiple modes of action, including:

· physical disruption of Psa cells on leaf surfaces that appears to affect the ability of Psa to colonise stomata,

· acting as an elicitor activating kiwifruit host defence genes, allowing the plant to react more quickly and to a higher degree to the presence of Psa.

Research to date also indicates that Aureo Gold doesn't produce anti-microbial compounds, and therefore resistance development is unlikely.

In trials on Hayward vines, Aureo Gold gave similar levels of protection from leaf spotting as Kocide Opti in the 2017/18 season. The image above shows Aureo Gold's protectant ability in potted plant trials. The leaf sprayed with water on the left, and a leaf sprayed with Aureo Gold on the right were then inoculated with Psa, with resultant reduction in leaf spotting symptoms.

Aureo Gold can be applied from budbreak to six weeks after flowering, at seven to 14-day intervals whenever Psa protection is required. It’s use period for this season is closing (this and its short shelf life means there is limited stock at the moment) but trials have indicated good crop safety when applied throughout the flowering and fruitset period.

How to use Aureo Gold:

· Good coverage is critical and the use of an adjuvant such as DuWettt or DriftStop is recommended.

· Apply at 50g/100L of water, in 600-1000L/ha.

· Don't apply more than 4.5kg active ingredient per hectare, with a maximum of 10 applications per hectare per season.

· Check the label for compatibility information – don’t use in a mixture with copper.

Limited stock of Aureo Gold was available for 2018 and growers are advised to check with their nearest retailer to determine future availability. Aureo Gold will be available for order through Farmlands, Fruitfed Supplies and Horticentre. It comes in a 1kg pack and has a shelf life of 4 months when stored in a cool dry place below 25 degrees Celsius.

For more information see the Arysta Aureo Gold technote or contact KVH on 0800 665 825 to speak to the team. Refer to the KVH recommended product list for more information about products and summer rates.


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