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Autumn and harvest tips for a successful season

Autumn and harvest tips for a successful season

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Autumn and harvest tips for a successful season

Good management of Psa-V through autumn helps minimise disease levels seen in the following spring.

  • Maintain a protective spray programme throughout autumn.
  • Ensure cover is in place prior to high-risk weather or as soon as possible following weather events.
  • Immediately postharvest, apply copper and Actigard™ to protect fruit stalks. Consider using adjuvants to improve spray coverage at this time. If canopy condition allows, reapply Actigard™ three weeks later to extend protection into the leaf-fall period. A maximum of four Actigard™ applications (including soil applied sprays) are allowed per season.
  • Avoid spray drift of postharvest sprays onto unharvested fruit. Spray residues limit market access for fruit and can impact customer confidence. Report any problems to your exporter. Thoroughly clean spray tanks to prevent risk of residues.


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