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Autumn vine health review

Autumn vine health review

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Autumn vine health review

It’s a great time to monitor for disease issues within a block, on a vine-by-vine basis.

Check vines that have moved into autumn colours early, as these may also be showing other signs of disease. Look for evidence of infection in trunk bases, girdles and roots as fungal organisms may have gone unnoticed.

A stocktake of vines with poorer health may flag the need to begin a replant strategy or to further investigate the cause of the problems. If symptoms seem unusual contact the KVH team at

Good practice orchard hygiene includes removal of any vines that have died this season, as well as old stumps that have not previously been removed.

If poorer production has been attributed to Psa, identify the areas most affected, and consider how to reduce ongoing risk before next season. Improved shelter, better drainage to reduce vine stress and focused removal of cankers and infected tissue (both of which are ongoing inoculum sources) will all reduce future risk.

Less Psa tolerant older variety males can be targeted for regraft to more tolerant varieties this winter and trimming high, late-grown male canes, will reduce risk of Psa entry through frosted tissue. Tagging of vines with unhealed girdles is good practice as these may become Psa hot-spots next spring.

A spray programme including copper and Actigard throughout the post-harvest and leaf-fall period is needed to counter risk created by wetter autumn periods. Copper and Actigard may be tank mixed, however do not tank mix either copper or Actigard with post-harvest Movento. A seven-day period between applications of Actigard and Movento is recommended and where copper has been applied, allow a seven-day window before applying Movento.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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