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Biosecurity Week - save the dates

Biosecurity Week - save the dates

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Biosecurity Week - save the dates

Biosecurity in the Bay of Plenty will be celebrated during Biosecurity Week from Monday 30 August 2021.

This week, run by Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital (TMBC), is all about highlighting the importance of protecting what we love about Tauranga Moana and showcasing the awesome biosecurity work that's being undertaken across the region.

There will be industry events (including a KVH/Zespri grower day on Thursday 2 September), Port of Tauranga Biosecurity Excellence Programme activities and on Tuesday 31 August, the annual TMBC Biosecurity Excellence Symposium, which you can read more about and register for here.

There’ll be more information to come over the coming weeks, particularly about the kiwifruit grower day. If you were unable attend last year you can read all about the event here or browse videos from the day on the KVH YouTube channel here.


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