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CPPU product recieves limited label claim

CPPU product recieves limited label claim

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

CPPU product recieves limited label claim

Last month, ACVM granted a limited label claim to a second CPPU (forchlorofenuron) product – Caplit™ – for the control of Psa-V in kiwifruit.

Zespri has updated the CPPU User Guide and Crop Protection Standard to reflect this change; and KVH has included Caplit™ in its Recommended Product List.

The use conditions are the same for both Caplit™ and Ambitious® 10SL, so growers are prompted to add Caplit™ to their Seasonal Management Wall Chart alongside Ambitious® 10SL. Please note the rate for Caplit™ is 50-75g/100l.

Due to concerns around fruit deformation observed on Gold varieties off-shore, CPPU products should not be applied to Gold varieties.
CPPU products are not systemic and therefore good coverage is required. Apply approximately 5–7 days prior to an infection event. CPPU should not be applied within seven days of the first flowers opening on an orchard. Extreme care should be taken to mitigate the risk of spray drift.


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