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Cruise operators help keep pests out

Cruise operators help keep pests out

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Cruise operators help keep pests out

KVH attended the annual pre-cruise season meeting at the Port of Tauranga last week to raise awareness of biosecurity and the partnership between the Port, KVH, and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) aiming for biosecurity excellence.

Along with senior and operational Port staff; MPI; Customs; tours and transport officials; regional tourism and council staff were also at the meeting to talk through run plans for the busy summer season ahead. This was the perfect opportunity for KVH to build on bus driver visits last year and make biosecurity a standing item on this group’s meeting agenda.

There are 113 ships stopping at the Port over the summer (the first arriving tomorrow, Friday 5 October) and since the meeting KVH has provided all bus drivers with information about biosecurity that they can share with their customers, including pre-written intercom messages and instructions for passengers if they are on a tour that stops in at a kiwifruit orchard.

This summer KVH is stocking the Mount Maunganui and Cruise Terminal i-Sites with biosecurity flyers raising awareness about high-risk pest threats (mainly BMSB) potentially hitchhiking their way across our borders. The i-Sites double as ticketing offices and are often the first point of call for visitors and cruise ship passengers wanting to know more about the region and plan their time here.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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