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KVH prepares an Operational Plan for the NPMP on an annual basis. This sets out how the NPMP will be implemented over the year ahead. It includes the KVH Board’s NPMP strategy, policies that guide how KVH will make decisions, the approach KVH will apply to achieve the NPMP objectives and budget and performance measures against which outcomes can be judged.
KVH must submit the Operational Plan to the Minister for Primary Industries, who checks it for consistency with the NPMP and is able to disallow all or parts of it should there be inconsistencies.
This year there are minimal changes as the review mentioned above has not been completed. The four key points that have changed are:
1. Updating the introduction and aligning this with a shift in focus toward 'preventing spread of new Psa-V biovars that are more likely to be a problem than the original strain of Psa-V biovar 3'
2. Addition of a new policy on ‘Establishment of new exclusion regions’
3. Updating annual mandatory monitoring requirements. These are:
4. Updating and streamlining R&D content to reflect a new programme structure
Click here for the draft 2016/17 Operational Plan.
Grower feedback welcome before Wednesday 29 June at 5pm. Email feedback to
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.