Seen something unusual? MAKE A REPORT
A hunter has bagged an infringement notice for dirty boots – a big no-no at the border and on our orchards.
Biosecurity New Zealand x-ray operators at Christchurch Airport intercepted the dirty boots, along with feathers and seeds. The items were spotted in May at the bottom of a bag belonging to an American traveller arriving from Australia. He had been hunting in multiple countries before heading to New Zealand.
Unfortunately for the intrepid hunter, the items were undeclared, resulting in an infringement notice.
If you (or anyone you know) is returning to New Zealand or visiting, have a quick read of our KVH poster with pointers on what to do before arriving at the border, and what to expect on arrival when you notify officials of your involvement in horticulture.
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.