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How do plant diseases impact plant health and food production?

How do plant diseases impact plant health and food production?

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

How do plant diseases impact plant health and food production?

Bacterial plant diseases are diverse and cause many types of other diseases. Their transmission may be airborne, soil-borne or via invertebrate vectors. When introduced to new areas their spread is unpredictable, and often highly invasive. They are difficult to control with chemicals and, unlike many other plant pathogens, normally have many potential hosts.

A brand-new animation (produced by several UK agencies working together) briefly introduces nine high-quality projects that address bacterial threats - including one focused on Xylella fastidiosa - so that we can eventually overcome them enough to keep producing sufficient food and protect landscapes.

Watch the animation here (two minutes) and visit the Bacterial Plant Diseases UK website here to learn more about each of the projects.

As well as using local knowledge and research, KVH actively maintains relationships with international contacts like this UK group to share information and ensure potential risks to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry are identified and managed.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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