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Japanese officials visit NZ

Japanese officials visit NZ

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Japanese officials visit NZ

As advised in the KVH Bulletin (5 June) Psa-V was recently identified in Japan. To date, the disease has been identified in six Japanese prefectures: Ehime, Fukuoka, Saga, Okayama, Wakayama and Shizuoka.

This week officials from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) visited KVH and Zespri to learn more about how to best manage the disease. The Japanese visit to KVH included an update on Psa-V in New Zealand; best practice orchard management; an overview of the NPMP; movement controls; the Kiwifruit Plant Certification Scheme; and communications to industry and growers.

Around one percent of the total kiwifruit acreage in the infected areas has been affected by Psa-V in Japan. Control measures include cutting out and disposing of infected material and proactive spray control.

A second Japanese MAFF visit also occurred during the week in Wellington with MPI to discuss future export conditions of New Zealand pollen and budwood.


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