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Keep eyes peeled for stink bugs

Keep eyes peeled for stink bugs

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Keep eyes peeled for stink bugs

It is the height of stink bug season; so growers and residents are reminded to keep an eye out for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) which can enter New Zealand on inanimate objects like shipping containers, cars and even through objects bought through online channels like E-bay. Travellers returning to New Zealand are also at risk of importing the BMSB in their luggage.

Due to a rise in reporting of suspicious-looking stink bugs, there appears to be a heightened awareness amongst the industry and the general public about the BMSB. Thankfully these cases have been confirmed negative. However, it’s encouraging to know people are doing the right thing and contacting MPI when they find what appears to be a BMSB.

The BMSB is one of kiwifruit’s Most Unwanted – as both a horticultural pest and a public nuisance. Eradication would be extremely difficult if it were to establish here so early detection is essential to keeping it out of New Zealand.

If you think you have seen a BMSB call the MPI Pest and Disease hotline on 0800 80 99 66.


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