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Kerikeri Update

Kerikeri Update

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Kerikeri Update

Psa-V continues to spread throughout the Kerikeri region with 32 out of 106 KPINS now testing Psa-V positive. KVH staff recently visited positive orchards in Kerikeri with growers and orchard management staff.

In most cases disease expression has continued to be relatively slow. However, in one location inoculum levels have clearly increased and disease expression in Hort16A has increased significantly. This has led to a number of part blocks being removed. These orchards are carrying out weekly monitoring and removal of infected material, followed by weekly spraying.

Growers are advised to be aggressive with removal to help reduce the rate of spread and to protect young Gold3 grafts. The continued wet weather has clearly been a factor in disease spread, and unless the region sees a long period of warm, dry weather soon, growers can expect expression to continue to accelerate.

KVH recommends growers actively monitor their orchards, remove signs of infection and to contact packhouses or KVH staff for support if required.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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