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Kiwifruit microbiome project completed

Kiwifruit microbiome project completed

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27 Oct 21 R&D News

Kiwifruit microbiome project completed

Research to support growers in the management of Psa includes a well-balanced portfolio of Zespri and KVH-directed projects; including practical projects, such as spray trials, and innovative projects which look for new insights and provide possibilities for new toolbox options into the future.

Work commissioned by Zespri and KVH to better understand the microbiome on New Zealand kiwifruit has provided reports and culture collections which may in the future help identify potential biological control agents for the industry. This three-year study by Plant & Food Research included review of historical (pre-Psa incursion) kiwifruit plant samples, and samples collected from across New Zealand in 2017 and 2018.

High level outcomes have been made available from this study.

A summary is has been added to the research section of the KVH website and can be read here.


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