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KVH attends GIA forum

KVH attends GIA forum

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

KVH attends GIA forum

Last week KVH’s Chief Executive Barry O’Neil and Biosecurity Programmes Manager Andrew Harrison attended the Government Industry Agreement (GIA) Biosecurity Forum in Auckland. More than 40 of the 75 attendees were representing primary industry, including many of horticulture’s product groups.

The purpose of the forum is for all GIA signatories to share their understanding of biosecurity; and work together to enhance the system for all, as opposed to bilateral or multilateral collaboration on organism-specific readiness and response activities that will be achieved through Operational Agreements.

Last week’s meeting included an introduction to GIA, an information session on Import Health Standards and a site visit to biosecurity facilities around Auckland Airport.

Key discussion points from the Forum:

  • Two industries have now signed the GIA Deed (kiwifruit and pork) and a number of other groups are expected to sign in the near future.
  • Managing incursion responses under GIA, including rapid industry notification.
  • Principles to guide negotiations around cost sharing and fiscal caps.
  • A briefing from the horticulture industry on its progress developing the Fruit Fly Operational Agreement.
  • A report from Andrew Coleman, the Ministry for Primary Industries Deputy Director, on his department’s current and planned activities across the biosecurity system.
  • Minimum commitments. KVH and Dairy NZ gave a perspective on what minimum biosecurity commitments should be.

KVH will also attend the next GIA Forum in March 2015.


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