The KVH board would like to acknowledge the work of Lorry Leydon, who has been an associate board director for the past two years. Lorry’s reflections from his time on the board are below:
“It seems a long time ago when I walked in to my first board meeting at KVH. It was an exciting opportunity for me, and I was looking forward to observing how the cogs turned in the inner sanctum of the boardroom. My experience from that very first day was of an extremely cohesive board, committed to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry.
My two years on the board has overseen a transition period for KVH, where the primary focus has gradually shifted from Psa-V to the wider realm of biosecurity. As we move out of the shadow of Psa, it is important to remember the lessons we have learned, and ensure that we remain vigilant to all possible threats. It is essential that growers don’t become complacent, and that KVH is supported in their role to protect New Zealand’s kiwifruit industry from biosecurity threats.
I would like to thank KVH for the initiative in developing an associate director role – this is a rare opportunity which has given me a great experience in governance and leadership. I would also like to thank my fellow directors for their guidance and tutelage over the last few years. Lastly, I would like to thank the whole team at KVH, and acknowledge their hard work and dedication on behalf of the kiwifruit industry.”