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KVH hosts MPI staff

KVH hosts MPI staff

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

KVH hosts MPI staff

Last week KVH hosted twenty-three visitors from MPI’s surveillance and incursion investigation teams from Wellington. The purpose of the visit was for MPI staff who are directly involved in incursion responses to gain both a better understanding of the kiwifruit industry and an overview of the work KVH is doing around biosecurity.

The group visited Trevelyan’s Pack and Cool to observe packing and coolstore operations; and Plant and Food Research where they were updated on kiwifruit research by Dr Stuart Kay.

After a busy morning in Te Puke they were presented with Zespri’s industry overview and future strategy by Carol Ward.

KVH highlighted its ongoing biosecurity initiatives and discussed partnerships with the regional councils, ports, freight and logistics sectors to raise biosecurity awareness amongst these sectors.

The tour also provided a good opportunity to discuss future possibilities about how industry and MPI can work together under GIA on biosecurity challenges.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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