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KVH have recently reviewed the role of the KVH Regional Coordinator. The Regional Coordinator role was established in the initial response to Psa to support growers and Post-harvest companies to work collectively in managing the Psa-V risk in their region.
Since 2012 the Regional Coordinators have assisted KVH supporting the implementation and adoption of the National Pest Management Plan (NPMP). As we have gained knowledge on how to best manage the bacteria and reduce risks on orchards, growers have integrated these practices into their orchard management programme and their need for support has reduced. The overall level of Regional Coordinator activity has diminished quite significantly, especially in Recovery regions with post-harvest support present and Psa-V management is seen very much as part of the wider orchard management function. The KVH Board approved changes to the Regional Coordinator structure and policy at its September meeting and agreed to:KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.