Growers are required to have the below records available for their GAP audit this year. Note the numbers below refer to Zespri GAP Control Points.
3.1 Purchased propagation material (nursery stock, budwood etc. coming onto your orchard)
- Invoices etc. from nurseries where you have obtained plants and propagation material.
- Documentation relating to budwood obtained from another KPIN or from Zespri
3.4 Supply of budwood (if budwood has been supplied from your orchard)
- Evidence of registration with KVH
- Completed Risk Management Plan—Budwood
- Lab test results if orchard is ‘Not Detected’
- KVH written permission if budwood is supplied outside of the region
3.5 Supply of plants, seedlings, fruit or seeds for propagation (if nursery plants, rootstock etc. has been supplied from your orchard)
- Evidence of registration with KVH
- Completed Psa-V Risk Management Plan—Nursery Stock
- Lab test results for plants
- KVH written permission where required for movement of plants between regions
8.1 Orchard Management Plan
- Completed Psa-V Orchard Management Plan. This must be updated as required or signed and dated to show it has been reviewed for this season
- Mandatory monitoring records and general orchard monitoring records to match the Psa-V Orchard Management Plan.
- Evidence that at least one spray from the KVH recommended indication of disposal methods or evidence of list of sprays with proven efficacy against Psa-V has been applied (spray diary entry)
8.8 disposal of Psa-V infected material
- Verbal indication of disposal methods or evidence of burial pit.