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Monitoring in Whangarei and North-West Auckland

Monitoring in Whangarei and North-West Auckland

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Monitoring in Whangarei and North-West Auckland

KVH has recently completed monitoring rounds in the Whangarei and North-West Auckland regions.

Two rounds of monitoring were carried out in the Whangarei region. The first round in late September focused on the ten orchards immediately surrounding the Psa-V positive orchard—a total of 29.41 hectares. Samples from four orchards were tested and all returned a ‘Not Detected’ result.

The second round of monitoring was carried out in mid-October and focussed on the Hort16A blocks within the controlled area and the closest orchards to the positive orchard. This included a total of 11 orchards representing 41.2 hectares. Samples from three of these orchards were tested and also returned ‘Not Detected’ results.

There are several messages for growers based on information gathered on these rounds of monitoring – click here for them.

North-West Auckland
The monitoring round in North-West Auckland was completed in early November and included 11 of the region’s 23 orchards located closest to the two positive orchards in the region. Click here for the report.

Samples from five orchards were tested; and one Hayward orchard was confirmed Psa-V from the testing. Symptoms included cane dieback and exudate on two adjacent male vines. The orchard is located approximately 30m from the first positive orchard in the region (confirmed in November 2013).

The two existing positive orchards in the region (now G3 plantings) were showing symptoms right across the orchard, including cane dieback and exudate on stumps and new grafts.

North-West Auckland is currently an ‘Exclusion’ region with a controlled area in place – the status is likely to be re-considered at the end of spring.
Growers are reminded to be vigilant about inspecting their vines for Psa-V symptoms and maintain a protectant spray programme.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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