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New Chief Executive onboard next week

New Chief Executive onboard next week

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27 Oct 21 Company Notices

New Chief Executive onboard next week

KVH is excited to be welcoming new Chief Executive Stu Hutchings to the team on Monday.

Prior to taking up the new role Stu was a Group Manager for OSPRI, a partnership between primary industries and government to manage the NAIT and TBfree programmes. He has had experience as Acting Chief Executive there, aswell as at the Animal Health Board.

Stu comes to the kiwifruit industry experienced in management of biosecurity risks, developing research and innovation programmes, and working on a day-to-day basis with farmers and growers, alongside industry and government.

The focus for Stu once he’s in the hot seat next week is to get out and meet growers and industry people, and ensuring there is full representation for all kiwifruit growers (through KVH) to protect orchards and livelihoods from our most unwanted and destructive pests and pathogens.

Read more about Stu and the December announcement of his appointment in the KVH press release.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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