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New grower guide for long-term management of BMSB

New grower guide for long-term management of BMSB

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

New grower guide for long-term management of BMSB

KVH has developed a helpful new guide for growers, detailing the likely options for on-orchard management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) should it establish here.

The guide is split into several different sections and covers:

· likely impacts to fruit and orchards

· expected seasonal timing of impacts

· on-orchard management and control tools such as exclusion netting and biological control

· supporting tools such as traps

· areas of research underway.

The information in the guide is based on current research findings and should be treated as guidance as knowledge will advance over time. An initial response to BMSB will be managed by Biosecurity New Zealand, with shared decision making by the BMSB Council – of which KVH is a member – and development of response plans will be established separately to this on-orchard longer term guide.

The guide has been added to the BMSB section of the KVH website and can be downloaded here.


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