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A new inflight biosecurity video will remind international travellers about the importance of protecting New Zealand from unwanted pests and diseases.
The video will play to arriving passengers on all airlines with screen capacity.
All visitors to the country and kiwis returning home can help protect New Zealand from harmful pests and diseases. The new in-flight video provides a clear message about what everyone’s responsibilities are when arriving here. The simple lesson is, if you're unsure about an item you’ve got – declare it.
There are two versions of the video – one spoken in English and one for Chinese airlines in Mandarin. The English version has been translated into 12 different languages, including Hindi, Malay, Arabic, Korean and French. It has also been translated into Bilsama, a national language in Vanuatu spoken by many seasonal workers.
The video is part of a wider national programme focused on protecting New Zealand and supports the biosecurity movement Ko Tātou This Is Us which highlights the personal connection we all have to the land, rivers, lakes and sea that nourish and provide for us.
Watch the English version here, or the Mandarin version here.
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.