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North-West Auckland - new positive result

North-West Auckland - new positive result

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

North-West Auckland - new positive result

Last week KVH received a positive Psa-V test result from an orchard in the North-West Auckland region. This is only the second positive test result in the region and the first in 12 months. North-West Auckland is classified as an Exclusion region with a Controlled Area Notice in place. The new positive test result was from an orchard located within the Controlled Area.

KVH has updated the North-West Auckland Controlled Area Protocol to include a number of requirements to minimise the risk of Psa-V spreading to other orchards in the region.

All growers in the North-West Auckland Controlled Area are required to:

  • Adhere to movement restrictions in the North-West Auckland Controlled Area Protocol. Any movement of equipment between orchards within the Controlled Area must receive prior-approval from KVH.
  • Monitor all orchards and report results to KVH on a fortnightly basis over the next six weeks. First results are due to KVH by Friday 21 November 2014. Please use the online template here.
  • Ensure they have a comprehensive Psa –V crop protection programme in place, particularly around high-risk weather events.
  • Ensure all staff and visitors entering and exiting the orchard are aware of, and are carrying out orchard hygiene best practice.

Growers with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact KVH on 0800 665 825.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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