One of these is not like the other ….

25 May 2023

New Zealand is home to eight different species of stink bugs that play important roles in our ecosystem.

So, when we ask you to keep an eye out for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), a six-legged insect with a brown body, two long antenna and an appetite that could decimate the kiwifruit industry as well as many other fruit and vegetables, we understand it can get a little confusing.

Take a look below and see if you can pick out the BMSB from the line-up. You’ll want to watch out for the stripes on its abdomen and the white bands on the antennae.

Click here to enlarge image

Think you’ve spotted the BMSB? Check your answer here.

Remember, if you see something you aren’t quite sure about, don’t kill it. Catch it, snap it, and report it to the Biosecurity New Zealand hotline 24/7 on 0800 80 99 66, or the team here at KVH on 0800 665 825.