Progression of new Pathway Management Plan

16 April 2020

Late last year, KVH announced to growers that we were starting to look at a new regulation framework to better manage biosecurity risk to the kiwifruit industry, and asked for feedback on our early, high-level thoughts about specific activities the Plan will help manage, and how it will be put into action. A key driver was to ensure that we have measures in place to prevent the spread of a broad range of biosecurity threats, rather than our current regulation, which is specific to a single organism, Psa.

The feedback we have had so far has been supportive, with growers and industry considering the concept of the Plan a logical and sensible way to manage biosecurity risk going forward, especially if this can be achieved without an increase in cost to growers.

Development of the Plan is advancing well. A detailed draft has been prepared and we continue to work with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to ensure it aligns with over-arching biosecurity legislation and regulations. We expect that a full plan and implementation schedule will be shared mid-year for your input before it is finalised.

A one-page summary about the proposed new framework can be found here and feedback about the proposed Plan can be provided to KVH by email at [email protected] or by phone at 0800 665 825.

More information, including a detailed consultation paper and submission form are also available on the KVH website here.