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Promoting biosecurity across the Bay of Plenty

Promoting biosecurity across the Bay of Plenty

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Promoting biosecurity across the Bay of Plenty

Two videos have ben produced by the Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital (TMBC) team, to raise awareness as to how forest users can help keep kauri dieback from entering the forests of the Bay of Plenty.

The videos are around a minute long and include dramatic and majestic visuals of kauri and the way people can protect this national treasure. Local talent, including mana whenua, talk about the desired biosecurity behaviours we want to see from everyone - “scrub, spray, stay” (clean off footwear, use disinfectant, stay on track). All Black Joe Webber and his son Kian Webber are featuring in one of the videos – they were strongly supportive of the biosecurity kauri dieback kaupapa and keen to get involved.

This messaging is in line with the national kauri dieback programme and Ko Tatou This Is Us, encouraging everyone to play a part in protecting the things we hold near and dear, and being an active member of the 4.7 million biosecurity team.

KVH, and other TMBC partners are sharing the videos on websites and social media channels, and if you’re at any Bay of Plenty movie theatres you may also see one of the videos pop up as part of the pre-show advertising.


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