Psa mandatory monitoring

07 September 2017

All growers in ‘Exclusion’ regions and all growers with ‘Not Detected’ orchards in all regions are required to carry out a round of mandatory monitoring between 15 September and 15 October, with results due to KVH by 31 October.

All growers in the Whangarei region (where a Controlled Area notice remains in place) are required to carry out additional monitoring and report their results on the following dates:

• 6 October
• 27 October
• 10 November
• 1 December

To assist growers, an online monitoring form is available on the KVH website here. Please call KVH on 0800 665 825 if you have any questions or if you require assistance to complete the online form.

Growers should discuss monitoring rounds with their post-harvest team to provide good information on which to plan Psa spray programmes through spring. It is important that orchards with ‘Not Detected’ status are also monitored by a team that is familiar with Psa symptoms. If Psa symptoms are found growers, or their pack-house Psa manager should notify KVH so records can be updated.