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Psa product choice through to flowering

Psa product choice through to flowering

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Psa product choice through to flowering

The Psa Risk Model indicates few breaks in Psa risk over the next 10 days for kiwifruit growing regions.

Friday and Saturday are forecast as fine - allowing growers a short window for sprays, pre-flower (Hayward) girdles, and bud thinning but risk then rises again to moderate by early next week. A predicted fine Tuesday is followed again by risk periods from midweek through to Labour weekend.

This year Psa risk has been challenging most areas and growers are urged to maintain good protection to avoid the characteristic flush of leafspot and flower bud browning typically see around the end of October.

Some Gold and Hayward growers have reported early signs of sepal infection particularly in male vines, so protecting flowers for optimal pollination, and keeping flowers planned for milling, free of infection is key.

With Red19 blocks already in flower, choose products carefully to avoid risk of spray drift residues from adjacent blocks or neighbouring orchards. Kasumin may be applied up to three weeks before flowering, with this window closing quickly for many Gold growers, so products such as Aureo Gold can also be considered. Where Psa pressure is considered extreme a JA for bactericide application may be available.

If you are concerned about especially high levels of Psa in your orchard, email KVH or phone us on 0800 665 825 to arrange sampling to check for product resistance.


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