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Psa-V symptoms in Bay of Plenty male vines

Psa-V symptoms in Bay of Plenty male vines

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Psa-V symptoms in Bay of Plenty male vines

This week some Bay of Plenty growers have reported exudate symptoms in their male Hayward vines. Often observations by pruning teams have triggered monitoring rounds where these have been found.

Many monitored blocks appear free of symptoms. However, in other blocks symptoms range from just a few vines with exudate to a high number of vines with exudate, particularly in blocks with Matua males.

This symptom increase in symptoms is likely due to increased sap flow as spring approaches. Growers are recommended to begin directed monitoring rounds focussing on higher risk plants (i.e. males, young, stressed) and orchard areas with less favourable growing conditions.

Cutting out infection, followed by bagging and removal of infected material from the orchard, is recommended to avoid inoculum build-up on orchard. Growers are urged to plan a proactive spring spray programme to minimise the chances of infection resulting in leaf spot and bud infection later in the season.

Some Gold3 cane collapse is also being seen on orchards. Again, cutting out infected material coupled with a proactive spray programme is recommended.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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