Seen something unusual? MAKE A REPORT
More than 100 growers and industry attended the R&D update in Te Puke on Tuesday. It was encouraging to see so many people, considering it was the first fine day after continuous heavy rain, and growers were probably keen to winter prune their orchards.
Presentations from the meeting are available on the KVH website here and summarised below.
Psa-V situation update and seasonal reminders—Linda Peacock (KVH)
Psa-V product testing trials update—Elaine Gould (Zespri)
Orchard trials update—Mary Black (Zespri)
OPC bud-rot trials—Jayne Chamberlain and Severine Brun (Zespri)
Metabolomics—Greg Clark (Zespri)
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.