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Recommended actions following high risk weather

Recommended actions following high risk weather

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Recommended actions following high risk weather

Strong winds over the last week have created high levels of wounding, particularly in more developed canopies. Combined with long periods of leaf wetness, the high-risk conditions for Psa-V also increase.

Recommendations are to apply additional protective copper cover to ensure wounds and expanding leaf surfaces are protected. Applications of KeyStrepto™ should also be considered in high-risk situations, including orchards which have suffered hail damage or where cankers are being actively managed.

Foliar applications of Actigard™ are also recommended once the majority of leaves within the canopy have reached 25mm. This provides an additional systemic mode of protection helping to reduce infection levels and protect against leaf spot.

Additional applications of Actigard™ can be made at 21 day intervals. Avoid applications in marginal areas where vines are stressed due to water-logging or other factors such as root diseases.

In regions where varieties are approaching flowering, foliar applications of Actigard™ can help provide protection through the flowering period. However, care must be taken to avoid applying once flowers begin to open.

Actigard™ can be tank mixed with commonly used coppers, and with KeyStrepto™ and DuWett. A three way mix of copper, Actigard™ and KeyStrepto™ is not recommended as some precipitation of product may be observed. Actigard™ may be tank mixed with pre-flowering Movento, Luna Privilege or Prodigy sprays.


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