Seen something unusual? MAKE A REPORT
KVH consultation on the proposed Pathway Plan for the kiwifruit industry has continued over the last few weeks, with wide-ranging and constructive feedback still being received.
The consultation period closes tomorrow, Friday 11 December, so don’t hesitate to get your views in to us if you haven’t yet had your say. A summary of the consultation process to date; what we’ve heard; how we’ve taken support and suggested areas of improvement into account; and next steps can be found on the KVH website here.
Our intent with this summary document is to provide confidence that we have listened and taken appropriate measures to address the feedback received.
We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about the proposal, and if you have any comments on any aspect of the Pathway Plan – good or bad – please send them in to us by emailing or by filling in the submission form available online.
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
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