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Rules for importing kiwifruit seed

Rules for importing kiwifruit seed

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Rules for importing kiwifruit seed

Thanks to information provided by a local grower, KVH was recently alerted to an international website offering a range of kiwifruit seed varieties for sale. This is concerning because buying seeds online for import into New Zealand could risk introducing a plant disease. KVH has worked with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to confirm the rules around importing kiwifruit seed and ensure MPI enforcement staff are aware of the site. There are strict rules around importing any kiwifruit seed. Seed intended for growing requires a permit to import and phytosanitary certificate. It must be imported into post entry quarantine where it will be grown and checked for a range of viruses and other plant disease organisms. No seeds will be given biosecurity clearance; only plants which have been inspected and tested will be eligible for clearance. MPI enforce all requirements and investigate any report of kiwifruit plants grown from unapproved seed imports. Please alert MPI if you are aware of any unapproved kiwifruit seed imports by calling the MPI exotic pest and disease hotline on 0800 80 99 66.


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