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Spotlight on Psa

Spotlight on Psa

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Spotlight on Psa

Are you maximising your Psa programme’s potential? A new four page resource puts the spotlight on understanding and managing the Psa disease cycle, with a focus on many different areas including:

  • what the four year GoldFutures project taught us
  • Psa and budrot in Gold3, Red19 and Green varieties
  • our toolbox of products to manage Psa
  • cultural control
  • benefits and importance of using the online Risk Model.

Read the resource here. It has been produced with Zespri and is included in the August Kiwiflier, as well as on the KVH website.

A reminder also that the Psa Seasonal Management Wall Chart 2021-22 is out now and will be included as an A2 sized poster in the next Kiwiflier mailout. The wall chart outlines how you can use cultural methods and a protective spray programme year-round to reduce risk on your orchard, including regular monitoring, removing infected material, girdling, and seasonal spray plans.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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The KVH portal is now the Zespri Weather & Disease Portal. Access all the weather tools you're familiar with.

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