Seen something unusual? MAKE A REPORT
If you’re in the Hawke’s Bay or Motueka/Nelson you also have the opportunity to meet Spotted Lanternfly expert Julie Urban at a similar workshop as the one that recently took place in Te Puke.
Hosted by Plant & Food Research, the events will include a one-hour presentation, followed by an in-depth workshop for those interested in more detail.
Julie, from Pennsylvania State University, is visiting New Zealand to provide information on SLF from work conducted by her and others in the USA since 2014. Knowing how to spot SLF increases our chances of finding it early if it were to arrive here, which would increase the likelihood of preventing it establishing a population in New Zealand so we are delighted to be able to share workshops with growers across the country.
The Hawke’s Bay event is Wednesday 8 February, 10.00am, at Plant & Food Research, Corner Crosses and St George’s Road, Havelock North.
The Motueka event is Tuesday 14 February, 2.00pm, at Plant & Food Research, 55 Old Mill Road, Motueka.
Please RSVP for catering purposes by emailing
KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.
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