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Stink bug swarm

Stink bug swarm

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27 Oct 21 Biosecurity News

Stink bug swarm

While the number of stink bug detections is down, Biosecurity New Zealand are finding groups of dead bugs in treated freight, which suggests offshore treatment requirements are working.

A case in point was a detection by a Christchurch transitional facility that saw a record number of dead bugs in a container carrying two tractors from Italy. A final tally revealed 1300 dead stink bugs, including more than 800 Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB).

In this case, the consignment underwent treatment in Italy before arrival in New Zealand (as required under recently introduced import rules). It also underwent fumigation in Christchurch to ensure any hitchhiking bugs were well and truly dead, as the container arrived in New Zealand just after a decision to suspend the Italian treatment provider from Biosecurity New Zealand’s approved list.

Detections like this are a stark reminder of how real the BMSB risk is to our country and our kiwifruit industry – remember to be on the lookout and report anything unusual. Information and videos about BMSB are available on the KVH website.

Image: Collected (dead) stink bugs from a container treated before arrival in New Zealand.


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