Updating your Psa-V Orchard Management Plan

28 August 2014

Spring is a good time to review your existing Psa-V Orchard Management Plan and consider making changes to your protection strategy based on seasonal orchard observations and new research information.

The online Psa-V Orchard Management Plan template has been improved and now incorporates budwood and rootstock management sections. This avoids the need for growers supplying budwood or rootstock from their orchards to complete separate plans. The updated template is available on the KVH website by clicking here, or going to www.kvh.org.nz/orchard_management_plans.

Growers are reminded an updated Orchard Management Plan must be available with other GAP records as part of the GAP audit process. Also, the application of at least one Psa-V protectant spray from the KVH Recommended Product List is required under the National Psa-V Pest Management Plan (NPMP). All applications of agricultural compounds must be recorded in the Spray Diary.