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Wanganui - regional update

Wanganui - regional update

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27 Oct 21 Grower News

Wanganui - regional update

KVH staff visited orchards in the Wanganui region this week to review recovery from the spring floods and severe Psa-V following a very wet and cold spring.

It is testament to the determination and strength of the growers that following their hard work in removing silt, two of the flooded orchards visited have successfully set a crop on large parts of the orchards.

Some plant deaths have occurred in the areas that suffered water logging for extended periods. Psa-V spotting has been more severe, largely due to an inability to access the orchards with sprayers. However, both orchards were able to successfully pollinate large areas. The hot, dry summer in the region has ensured the remaining silt has dried out and the Psa-V presence has reduced. One of the flooded orchards is being removed and a second flooded orchard that has been largely abandoned is likely to be removed.

Severe Psa-V that was evident in males in some Hayward orchards in spring has impacted on pollination. While this was partly offset with artificial pollination, there has still been the need to remove volumes of poorly-pollinated fruit. One additional Hayward orchard was identified with Psa-V in spring. However, the impact has been minimal to date with a good crop set and only mild leaf spotting.

A Gold3 orchard with established Psa-V in one block, has seen the need for ongoing removal of around 5-7 % canopy. Other Gold3 blocks in the same orchard remain relatively clear. A first year fruiting canopy under a plastic cover in the same orchard is showing no signs of Psa-V and is carrying an excellent first year crop after achieving full canopy.

The KVH team presented autumn Psa-V messages at a grower meeting reminding growers that a more proactive Psa-V management programme in autumn can lead to reduced symptoms in spring.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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