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Whangarei Controlled Area removed

Whangarei Controlled Area removed

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27 Oct 21 Protocols & Movement Controls

Whangarei Controlled Area removed

In late 2015 KVH established a ‘Whangarei Controlled Area’ to help prevent the spread of Psa in the region.

At the time one Whangarei orchard had been identified with Psa.

Psa has now been identified on four further orchards in the Whangarei region, meaning a total of five orchards are now recorded as Psa positive (including one orchard outside the Controlled Area). With the change in situation, KVH has removed the Whangarei Controlled Area and lifted the accompanying Notice of Direction issued to growers in the area. Growers and other local parties were advised last Thursday of the removal, effective immediately.

Whangarei growers have done very well in slowing the spread of Psa within the region. Growers, contractors and others must continue to ensure that Psa is not transferred between orchards and regions via any human-assisted pathway.

National Psa-V Pest Management Plan (NPMP) rules and requirements are still applicable. Rules covering movement of risk items including plants and machinery (within, into and out of the region), application of crop protection products, vine management, monitoring and reporting of Psa symptoms still apply to all orchards within the Whangarei Containment Region. Refer to the KVH protocols for more information.


KVH investigates reports of unusual symptoms to identify and manage any biosecurity risks.

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