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Wild kiwifruit report

Wild kiwifruit report

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27 Oct 21 Protocols & Movement Controls

Wild kiwifruit report

The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) has provided details of the 2014/15 wild kiwifruit control programme.

Contractors controlled 4988 wild vines on properties in the Pyes Pa, Omanawa and Te Puke east areas. Most vines were 3cm or less basal diameter, indicating the plants had grown from recently germinated seed. Birds such as wax-eyes spread kiwifruit seed by feeding on unpicked fruit over winter months. Therefore, it is important growers remove all unpicked fruit from orchard vines.

Council recently approved further funding assistance for the wild kiwifruit control programme after considering a KVH submission to BOPRC’s Long Term Plan 2015-2025. BOPRC and KVH will each provide 37.5% of contractor control costs; and landowners will provide 25%. Wild kiwifruit is a containment pest in Council’s Regional Pest Management Plan and landowners are required to control all wild kiwifruit growing on their property.

KVH will continue to work collaboratively with the BOPRC (and other regional and district councils) to ensure wild kiwifruit is destroyed. Wild kiwifruit presents a potential biosecurity risk by harbouring pests and exacerbating further spread if wild vines themselves set fruit.

If you know the location of wild kiwifruit plants, please report them to KVH on 0800 665 825; or if growing in the Bay of Plenty – to a biosecurity officer at the Bay of Plenty Regional Council on 0800 884 880.


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